International Orders


  • Cash on Delivery: Unfortunately, we do not offer COD for international orders.
  • Payment Security: Your payment details are safe with trusted gateways like Razorpay, Paypal & Paytm.
  • Price Consistency: No price discrimination based on location; everyone pays the same.
  • Shipping Charges: Free shipping for orders above Rs15,000 (approx. USD 200); ₹1500 flat fee otherwise.
  • Bulk Orders : If you're looking for quantities less than 10 pieces, we recommend purchasing directly from www.modarta.inIf you're considering buying more than 10 pieces, simply book a meeting with us on:, when we say 10 pieces, we mean the total order quantity, and not 10 pieces per design.
  • Dispatch: Orders dispatched within 2 days, delivered within 5-10 days.
  • Delivery: We share tracking code after the order is dispatched. We use only trusted courier partners such as DTDC, Bluedart etc 
  • Customs & Duties: We ship internationally on a DDU (Delivery Duty Unpaid) basis. This means your order may be subject to import duties, customs fees, and taxes upon arrival in your country. These charges are determined by your local customs authority and are your responsibility. We cannot predict or control these charges, as customs policies vary widely. We advise contacting your local customs office for more information.
  • Changes : No changes to order after dispatch; No returns, refunds, or cancellations for international orders. In case of Faulty Products: Report within 2 days of delivery for replacements at Claims beyond the mentioned timeline will not be entertained.
  • Customs & Duties: We deliver outside india on DDU (Delivery Duty Unpaid) basis. You order may be subject to import duties that are levied once the package reaches the destination country. An additional charge towards Import, Customs & Taxes may be levied by the Custom authority which will be borne by you. We have no control over these charges and cannot predict what they may be in actuals.Customs policies vary widely from country to country, and we recommend contacting the local customs office or their website for further information.